QR Code Generator Documentation

QR Code Generator Documentation


The QrGenerator component is a React-based QR code generator that allows users to generate QR codes dynamically based on user input. It supports customization of background color and dimensions. The generated QR code can also be downloaded.

Installation & Usage

  1. Ensure you have React installed in your project.
  2. Include the QrGenerator component in your application.
  3. Import necessary CSS files (App.css).

import QrGenerator from './QrGenerator';


function App() {

  return (


      <QrGenerator />





export default App;


Component Breakdown

State Variables

  • temp: Stores the temporary input value before confirming QR generation.
  • word: Stores the final text to encode in the QR code.
  • size: Controls the QR code dimensions (default: 400px, range: 200-600px).
  • bgColor: Stores the background color for the QR code (default: white - ffffff).
  • qrCode: Stores the generated QR code URL.



  • Manages dynamic values such as input text, QR size, background color, and generated QR code URL.


  • Watches word, size, and bgColor state values.
  • Updates the qrCode state whenever any dependency changes.
  • Constructs the QR code URL using an external API: http://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/.



  • Updates word state with temp value upon button click.

UI Elements

  1. Input Box: Allows users to enter text to encode.
  2. Generate Button: Triggers QR code generation.
  3. Customization Options:
    • Background color picker.
    • Range slider for QR code dimension selection.
  4. Output Box:
    • Displays the generated QR code.
    • Provides a download button to save the QR code.

External Dependencies

  • Uses http://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/ for generating QR codes dynamically.


  • Ensure an active internet connection as the QR code is fetched from an external API.
  • The use client directive at the top indicates the component runs in a React Server Component environment, ensuring compatibility with React frameworks like Next.js.


  • Implement local QR code generation using a library like qrcode.react.
  • Add error handling for invalid input cases.
  • Provide more customization options (e.g., foreground color, margin settings).


GITHUB :   QR Code Generator 



Qr Example of google.com