Appointment Management System Documentation
Appointment Management System Documentation
The Appointment Management System is a React application that allows users to create, edit, delete, and view appointments. It consists of three main components:
- AppointmentManagement (Main Component)
- AppointmentForm (Form for adding appointments)
- AppointmentList (List of appointments with editing and deleting options)
1. AppointmentManagement Component
File: App.js
This is the main component that manages the state of appointments. It includes functions to add, delete, edit, and clear appointments.
State Variables:
- appointments (Array) - Stores appointment objects with name and date.
- addAppointment(appointment): Adds a new appointment to the list.
- deleteAppointment(index): Removes an appointment from the list based on the index.
- editAppointment(index, editedName, editedDate): Updates an existing appointment.
- clearAppointments(): Clears all stored appointments.
- Displays the title "Appointment Management System".
- Renders AppointmentForm to input new appointments.
- Renders AppointmentList to display, edit, or delete appointments.
2. AppointmentForm Component
File: AppointmentForm.js
Handles the input form to add new appointments.
State Variables:
- name (String) - Stores the appointment holder's name.
- date (String) - Stores the appointment date.
- handleSubmit(e): Prevents default form submission and calls addAppointment() with name and date.
- Displays input fields for name and date.
- A submit button to add the appointment.
3. AppointmentList Component
File: AppointmentList.js
Displays the list of appointments with options to edit or delete each entry.
State Variables:
- editedIndex (Number | Null) - Tracks the index of the appointment being edited.
- editedName (String) - Stores the edited name.
- editedDate (String) - Stores the edited date.
- handleEdit(index): Sets the selected appointment for editing.
- handleSaveEdit(index): Saves changes made to the appointment.
- handleCancelEdit(): Cancels the edit action.
- Displays a table with ID, Name, Date, and Actions.
- Provides Edit and Delete buttons for each entry.
- Allows inline editing of name and date fields.
- Optional button to clear all appointments (commented out in the code).
Technologies Used
- React.js for component-based UI development.
- CSS for styling.
Future Improvements
- Add local storage to persist appointments.
- Implement validation for input fields.
- Improve UI/UX with better styling and alerts.
- Enhance accessibility and mobile responsiveness.
The Appointment Management System provides a simple interface for handling appointments. With state management using React hooks, users can add, modify, and delete appointments efficiently.